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Fine Screening Equipment

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The commonly used fine particle classification equipment mainly includes: High-frequency fine screen, Composite-Vibrating Screen, De-slagging screen, Hydro cyclone.

1.High-frequency fine screens

High-frequency fine screens with multi-deck are primarily used for the wet classification and screening of fine-grained materials (below 2mm in size). They are commonly employed in coal preparation plants for preliminary separation before flotation, screening of iron ore or other metal ores in ball mill circuits (open or closed), and fine particle screening of various minerals.


The screen box of the Multi-deck high-frequency fine vibrating screen is arranged in multiple layers, with independent feeding and independent screening. it has the advantages of small footprint,large processing capacity, high screening efficiency, low power consumption,small dynamic load,simple operation, stable performance, safety and durability, and low maintenance. It is mainly used for wet screening of fine-grained materials, classification, desliming, coarse separating and other operations.This series is one of the most advanced equipment in the field of fine materials screening.

This screen series is adapted to the fine materials wet classification and dewatering work in beneficiation ,coal preparation, nonmetal industry and other industries, According to site requirements, 1 to 5 stacks screen can be designed.


2. Composite-Vibrating Screen

The vibration on deck is jointly done by two systems: linear and electromagnetic exciters. With a strong intensity and a high frequency(50Hz), electromagnetic vibration makes the material passing through the mesh easily. With a large amplitude, a low frequency(16 or 25Hz) and a throwing force, the linear vibration facilitates an easy loosening and conveying of the material. All this serves as one of the best combinations for fine screening vibration technology in the world, thus is more efficient than single vibration source.


This series is widely applied in the fields of ore concentration, coal preparation, nonferrous metals area, construction materials and chemical industry etc.


3. De-slagging screen

scalping screen adopts high frequency vibrating motors with frequency of 1500 r/min. t has a high capacity when processing slurry of low % solids At the same time, the screen has advantages of small footprint, large capacity per unit area.ow power consumption, small dynamic load, easy operation,high stability and low maintenance. Flexible polyurethane screen panel with high open rate is used on the screen. FG screen is suitable for dechipping and carbon recovery in the beneficiation of gold.,silver. copper and other non-ferrous metals.



4.Fine material de-watering system


The fine material dewatering system is an integrated system of cyclone and linear screen with simple structure, high dewatering efficiency, reliable operation and lower energy consumption. It is suitable for screening, grading, dewatering and desliming of various minerals.


5.Polyurethane Panel


Modular design is applied on polyurethane panel to make panels exchangeable,maximum increase the utilization rate of panels on whole screen and realize the minimum storage of spare parts. Reinforce ribs are embedded inside polyurethane panel and width of ribs is equal panel width, so as to make panels not only properly transmit vibration force of screen machine but also increase carrying capacity.

6.Flexible Polyurethane Screen


Fine flexible polyurethane mesh, a kind of polyurethane elastomer, has excellent physical and mechanical proper-ties: high strength, high elasticity. high wear resistance. The aperture range is :0.053mm.0.063mm.0.075mm0.1mm.0.12mm0.15mm,0.18mm,0.2mm,0.23mm,0.25mm,0.3mm,0.35mm,0.4mm,0.43mm,0.5mm,0.6mm,0.7mm,0.8mm,0.85mm,1.0mm,1.2mm.1.5mm.2.0mm.2.5mm.3.0mm,3.5mm.4.0mm.4.5mm.5.0mm and the opening rate is around 28~45%.According to the experience of many years' application and assessment, the average service life is more than six months , Now the polyurethane mesh is largely applied in variety of electromagnetic vibration high frequency screen, high frequency composite-vibrating screen.multi-stack high frequency screen and can replace the imported product, and widely used in the fields like metallurgical mineral process,coal preparation and nonferrous metals.

7.Slurry Distributor

A slurry distributor is reasonably designed for the sites where multiple screens or multi-stack screen installed. The best slurry distributor splits slurry flow into each stream evenly based on quality, weight, density and size distribution.A typical five hole distributor is designed with two cylinders, inner cylinder and outer cylinder, and five chamber are divided between the inner and outer cylinder.


The slurry flow is fed into inner cylinder and evenly distributed into chamber, The inside surface of slurry distributor can be fed both wear-resistant rubber and polyurethane wear parts. The plug valves is designed to stop slurry of one or multiple streams.According to the site layout requirements, slurry distributor can be fed from the top or bottom. Sometimes two section layout may be applied when the screen quantity is large.

Our technicians will adjust the design to meet the special requirements for the distributor.

8.Digital-Controlled Screening System


The screening system adopts a brand-new design principle and fully-new structure with screen mesh vibrating only. it owns 14patented techniques, has passed the technical appraisal organized by Hebei Science and Technology Department, and Liaoningscience & Technology Department. t is now widely used in industries of metallurgical mineral processing, coal preparation, construction material, chemicals and foodstuff, etc.

9.Hydro cyclone

The hydro cyclones are important and economically viable systems for the wet-mechanical separation, classifying and sorting processes of minerals.



Shanghai Kminda Tech. Co., Ltd., a company of Landsky Group, is located in the financial center of Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai. Our company is an enterprise that integrates the production, research and development, teaching, and sales of vibrating screens

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